Announcement Archives

This Page is an Archive of Announcements from our old webpage.

April 12, 2011 – W.Va. Conference on Expanded School Mental Health: “Expanding School Mental Health for Student Success” at Charleston Civic Center



This statewide conference was an opportunity to share and learn about local school based behavioral health programs and state initiatives to address the social and emotional learning needs of West Virginia’s students, and showcase pilot programs across the state. (Pictured, Ryan Ramey and a panel high school students presenting at conference)

This conference was organized by the School Health Technical Assistance Center, Marshall University. Sponsors are: the WV Department of Education, Office of Healthy Schools; WV Department of Education,Office of School Improvement; and WV Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities, Children and Adolescents Behavioral Health.

March 29, 2011- One-Day Conference “Bullying in Our Schools” at Charleston Civic Center

The West Virginia Council for the Prevention of Suicide, Adolescent Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention (ASPEN), and the West Virginia Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities (BHHF) hosted a one-day conference on “Bullying in Our Schools.” Jodee Blanco, noted author and lecturer on the subject of bullying, was the speaker.

For more information, please contact Mr. Bob Musick, Chief Executive Officer of the West Virginia Suicide Prevention Council at 304-296-1731 ext 4181 or or Ms. Barri Faucett, Program Director of the ASPEN Project at 304-415-5787 or

Additional Resources on Bullying:

(These links have been shared by the mental health therapists of the School Based Health Care program of Rainelle Medical Center)

Below is the link to the Bullying Prevention: Strategies to Support Statewide Collaboration Webinar recording from December 6, 2010.

Here are some other bullying resources: — Bullying Prevention Program — a page of archived webinars, resources and other bullying links.


October 8, 2010 – Center for School Mental Health Honors West Virginia’s Efforts – Albuquerque, New Mexico

On October 8, the national Center for School Mental Health honored West Virginia’s efforts at its October 7-9, 2010 Conference, “School Mental Health and Promoting Positive School Culture.”

The Juanita Evans Memorial Award for Contributions in School Mental Health is given annually to an individual or group who has significantly impacted the advancement of school mental health policy, research, and/or practice. This year’s recipient, representing the West Virginia Expanded School Mental Health Initiative, was Linda Anderson, MPH, of the West Virginia School Health Technical Assistance and Evaluation Center, Huntington, WV

In accepting the award from Mark Weist, Ph.D., Senior Advisor for the CSMH, Anderson said, “the real credit goes to our steering team in West Virginia and many of you who have helped us to make progress.The Center for School Mental Health and the National Assembly on School Based Health Care have provided invaluable technical assistance and support. It is a real privilege to work with so many dedicated people who willingly share their time and expertise,” Anderson said.

The conference was attended by almost 700 participants representing all 50 states and several countries.  The annual school mental health conference is sponsored by the Center for School Mental Health at the University of Maryland in partnership with the National IDEA Partnership:

August 16 & 17, 2010 – Back-to-School Workshop  – Flatwoods, WV


2010 Back to School Workshop for School-Based Health Centers, Mental Health Programs and Oral Health Programs at Days Inn Hotel, Flatwoods, WV.

Featured in the Mental Health Track were: Barri Faucett, MA presenting Depression Screening, Suicide Prevention and Intervention for SBHC’s and Schools; and Lauren Kazee, LMSW, Mental Health Consultant from Michigan Department of Education/Michigan Department of Community Health, presenting “Eliminating Barriers for Learning,” a “train the trainer” session developed by SAMHSA that focuses on mental  health issues in the classroom.

Provided by the West Virginia School Health Technical Assistance and Evaluation Center at Marshall University, Robert C. Byrd Center for Rural Health.











August 3 & 4, 2010 – WV Student Success & Advocacy Summit – Fairmont, WV

The WV Student Success & Advocacy Summit took place August 3rd & 4th 2010 at Fairmont State University & Pierpont Community & Technical College.

Featured keynote speaker was Dr. Jay Smink, the Executive Director of the National Dropout Prevention Center and co-author of the book, Helping Students Graduate: A Strategic Approach to Dropout Prevention.  The Summit focused on The Fifteen Effective Strategies for Increasing Graduation Rates. Sessions included topics such as: systemic renewal, positive school culture, military programs for schools, expanded school-based mental health, systems of care, communities in schools, parent engagement, peer mentoring, student leadership model, graduation coaches, student advisement, freshman transitions, experiential learning, career academies, personalized education plans, embedded credits and more. For more information, contact

June 10 & 11, 2010 – School Health Services Conference – Charleston, WV

Conference provided by West Virginia Department of Education-Office of Healthy Schools, Marshall University School of Health Technical Assistance and Evaluation Center, WVDHHR-Diabetes Program, West Virginia Association of Diabetes Educators, and
West Virginia Immunization Network.

April 19, 2010 – School Mental Health Conference – Flatwoods, WV

Building a System of Learning Supports for WV’s Students – an opportunity to share and learn about local school based behavioral health programs and state initiatives to address the social and emotional learning needs of WV’s
students. This conference was organized by the Marshall University School Health Technical Assistance and Evaluation Center
Sponsors were: WV Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities, Children’s Behavioral Health, Sisters of St Joseph Health and Wellness Foundation, and WV School Based Health Assembly

March, 2009 – W.Va. Chosen for National Pilot School Mental Health Project

West Virginia was chosen by the National Assembly on School Based Health Care as the pilot state for its School Mental Health Capacity Building Training Initiative. The project will provide training and ongoing technical assistance to provide and expand quality school mental health services statewide.

West Virginia was chosen from among 10 states because of its capacity and potential for advancing school mental health efforts, said Laura Hurwitz, director of school mental health at the National Assembly on School Based Health Care (NASBHC).